📠07770 594 121
📧 jazz@jazzmatharu.com

About Us

Jazz Matharu trained with Price Waterhouse, London, specialising and advising the TOP 100 companies on their domestic and international needs. Working primarily with media and entertainment clients he realised that there were many successful people who needed a hand-held approach when dealing with their monetary affairs.
Recognising this opportunity, Jazz set up his own practice, Jazz Matharu Associates.
After graduating with Joint Honours from Keele University, Jazz was elected Student Union President. Although deemed to be a political position, he took a business-like approach to the post. He cancelled the franchise student travel office, bringing it under the control of the Students’ Union, thereby keeping the profits. He converted a bar into a wine and salad French-style café to cater for the changing attitudes of students and also made the main student union bar more accountable. In a time when grants were being cut, he made the Union more financially independent.
From an early age, Jazz was interested in music and fashion and after working in the music business managing bands, he joined Price Waterhouse, London where his clients included, Walt Disney, Universal Pictures, MCA, and Motown as well as some international banks. Having been trained in tax by one of the best firms in the world, he left in 1991 to start his own tax practice where he could combine his work with his hobbies.
His clients include some well known personalities, gifted directors, producers, actors, artists, photographers, presenters, writers and many people behind the scenes. He enjoys dealing with clients who want a personal and private practice to look after their affairs.
Through his work, Jazz held posts of Chairman of the Arts Club, Mayfair and Treasurer of the Arts Club Charitable Trust. He was also Chairman of the Greater London Fund of the Blind.
Mainly working in Central London, he keeps in touch with his Yorkshire roots by following Leeds United.